Sunday, December 24, 2006

"What do I say?" - Making your first phone sex call

by Ally of

There are many for whom phone sex has been their "porn of choice" for years. They have made dozens or even hundreds of phone sex calls, and they know what they like, and "how to do it".

But everyone starts somewhere, right?

Inevitably, everyone who becomes a phone sex fan made a first call at some point. And maybe they knew exactly what they wanted, and knew how to verbalize it to the operator, and maybe they were lucky enough to hook up immediately with a very sexy, talented and knowledgeable operator the very first time they called, and the rest is phone sex history.

But that probably didn't happen to too many phone sex callers. Most likely, there was some trial and error involved in perfecting their phone sex experience. This article is written to give you, the fledgling phone sex caller, some insider tips and tricks to cut down on that expensive trial and error period, and get the most out of your phone sex call.

1. Be open about what you want:

Even the most talented and experienced phone sex operator will have a hard time working with the answer "whatever" or "anything you want", when she asks you what you'd like to talk about. Those of us who have been working in the phone sex industry for a long time know that there are hundreds of answers to that question, and many more variants of those hundreds of answers. We cannot possibly guess what you're into - or, we can guess, but odds will be that we will guess wrong. Before you call, think about what you'd like to talk about. Be ready to answer the question, "what are you into?" Because we phone sex operators have heard some pretty wild fantasies, and if you don't narrow it down for us, we're liable to choose something extremely kinky and unusual, just to prove to you that "whatever" just won't do it on a phone sex call.

2. Be polite:

If you're into talking degradingly toward women, you will probably be able to find someone to accomodate your preference. However, save this for after you've provided your billing information. If you introduce yourself with something idiotic like "hey baby" or "whassup" or "I want to fuck you" as soon as the phone sex operator picks up the phone, you will, at worst, hear a dial tone and at best, you'll be setting the wrong tone for the call. Speaking like a jerk at the start of your phone sex call will often put the phone sex operator on the defensive with you, and you won't get the best call possible. Be polite and as articulate as possible when you call, and you'll be met with professionalism in return.

3. Make some noise!:

We phone sex operators love feeback. In fact, it's very hard for us to give you a good phone sex call without your feedback. If you remain silent, we have no idea if we're going in a direction that's working for you. Even a moan or heavy breathing will give us the clues we need to weave your phone sex fantasy in a way that ends in the right place - with an orgasm! The more input you give us, the more enjoyable the session will be for both parties. I've talked to many phone sex operators who say that they enjoy long calls as long as the caller is participating in the conversation. If you are an equal participant, your phone sex operator can keep the conversation facinating for hours on end. If you remain silent (which is your prerogative, of course...), it's much more of a challenge to keep things going, especially when the call passes the one hour mark. Do your part, and give feedback, even if it's non-verbal. Your phone sex operator will appreciate it.

4. Make sure you have privacy:

Every phone sex operator has had the experience of a caller being walked in on during their phone sex call. Sometimes this can be humorous, and when the caller is into humiliation, it can be fitting, however sometimes you're caught by the wrong person, and that can be bad. It's disrespectful to make a phone sex call at a time when you might be caught by your wife (unless she's into that sort of thing, which is a different story!), and it's also not a good idea when you make a phone sex call at a time when you might be walked in on by a coworker or your boss (though I have my own fantasies along these lines...that too is a different story!) So make sure you have privacy when you call.

5. If it's not working for you, say so:

Perhaps your phone sex operator has misunderstood what you want. Perhaps you've neglected to give her some essential information about your fantasy. Perhaps you've just changed your mind about what you want. Before you hang up in frustration, give her a chance to redirect your fantasy. Tell her straight out: what we're talking about isn't working for me, and I'd like to talk about ________ instead. An experienced and talented phone sex operator will be able to instantly redirect your fantasy, and with the right information from you, perhaps she'll get it right the second time.

6. Say good bye:

Many times at the end of your phone sex call, after you've had an orgasm, you just want to go to sleep. We're used to that from you guys, no worries! But it takes half a second to say, "Thanks, good bye", so please have the courtesy to do so. This way, we know you're done, we know you didn't get cut off, and hopefully we know you enjoyed your call.

6. If you enjoyed your call, keep the phone sex operator's number:

In this industry, the best phone sex operators depend on repeat clients for their success. And if you've had a great call with an operator, naturally you'll want to call her again. Make a note, when you're post-orgasmic blissful nap is over, to make a note of her number, and call her again the next time you are horny and needing a sexy phone call. I assure you, she'll be very happy to hear from you again.

Submitted by the Phone Sex Index

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